
この詩集は、鶴山氏が自身のブログに掲載していた作品を、「JET POET有志の会」がまとめたものです。

「JET POET」とは、2006年、当時原宿にあったライブハウス JET ROBOT(現在は高田馬場に移転)にて、鶴山氏が主宰となって始まった即興の音楽と詩の朗読のオープンマイクイベントです。このイベントが始まったことで、いろいろなフィールドの交流が生まれ、多くの詩人たちの活動の場となりました。JET POET は、鶴山氏がこの世を去った現在も毎月一回のペースで継続しています。


税込価格1,000円と、日本国内は1冊分につき一律で180円の送料(別途)で販売致します。もし 2冊以上をまとめてお買い求めされたいという方がいらっしゃいましたら、CONTACT のページからお問い合わせください。

We sell a collection of poems by Kinya "ZULU" Tsuruyama, a butoh dancer and poet who died suddenly in 2020. This book was compilated by us, the works that Mr. Tsuruyama posted him poems on his blog.

We worked as the "JET POET Volunteer Association".
"JET POET" is an event of improvisational-music and poetry reading that started in 2006 at the live house JET ROBOT (now relocated to Takadanobaba) in Harajuku under the presidenced of Mr. Tsuruyama.

With the start of this event, exchanges in various fields were born, and it became a place for many poets to work. JET POET continues at a monthly pace even after Mr. Tsuruyama passed away.
We decided to make such a booklet with the consent of the bereaved family because we wanted to keep Mr. Tsuruyama's words at hand in some way.

One book will be sold at a price of 1,000 yen including tax, and a flat shipping fee of 180 yen (separately) in Japan. For orders from outside Japan, please contact us regarding shipping costs.